New Wellness Focus: Food & Beverage in Asia‑Pacific
The Asia‑Pacific food market, due to rising health concerns in the region, is increasingly focusing on health and wellness. Valued at $1,379.1 billion in 2023, it is expected to have an annual growth rate exceeding 5% through 2028.1 As such, Asia‑Pacific is becoming a leader in wellness‑focused living.
Wellness in Asia‑Pacific
Wellness, including physical, emotional and mental wellbeing, wasn't always a focus in Asia‑Pacific food markets. Today, however, most people are changing their lifestyles due to concerns such as pollution, healthcare, food security and nutrition.2 Getty Images' VisualGPS research shows that people in the Asia‑Pacific region now prioritise work‑life balance, health, financial security and time with loved ones over career growth. In Southeast Asia, the focus is on work‑life balance, while in Japan, it's on physical health. In Australia and New Zealand, stress reduction is the main concern. VisualGPS research further reveals that in the Food & Beverage sector, taste and quality are most important, followed by value and nutrition. In the Health & Wellness sector, ingredient transparency and organic claims are key, along with efficacy and scientific support. Therefore, visuals that highlight health benefits, taste, quality and product effectiveness, work well across the region.
Rising trends in home‑based activities
Home‑based social gatherings and eating at home have increased since the COVID‑19, with social media and family meals now top activities, leading to a 24% rise in home dining.3 Dining out is saved for special occasions, while take‑out is common due to busy lifestyles. Close connections with family, friends and community help relieve stress. Activities like cooking and enjoying meals are popular for stress relief, especially in Japan, where discussing mental health openly is less common. VisualGPS research also shows people in Asia‑Pacific prefer visuals depicting real‑life health and wellness scenarios and trust real images over AI‑generated ones. Thus, visuals that show connections with loved ones through relatable health and wellness scenarios resonate well across the region too.
Environmental and ethical consciousness
People in Asia‑Pacific are also making environmentally friendly choices like reducing food waste, using sustainable packaging and doing everything they can to reduce their carbon footprint. They expect companies to be involved in environmental and social efforts, focusing on nature protection and improving health standards. VisualGPS research shows that close to 90% of people in Asia‑Pacific are willing to live sustainably if it costs the same or less than their current lifestyle. Encouraging sustainable lifestyles by showcasing relatable and cost‑effective scenarios is key.
Key visual strategies for Asia‑Pacific
- Highlight value, taste, quality and health benefits in visuals.
- Use real, relatable images to build trust.
- Show sustainable practices and affordable, eco‑friendly lifestyle choices.
- Tailor messages to regional preferences, such as life‑work balance in Southeast Asia, physical health in Japan, and stress reduction in Australia and New Zealand.
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[1] Global Data
[2] Innova Market Insights
[3] Innova Market Insights