Incredibly Detailed London Buildings - stock illustration

From left to right: Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament (Big Ben and the tallest tower are separate from parliament so it is possible to use them separately if needed), Nelson's Column, Saint Paul's Cathedral, Telecom Tower, a London phone box, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, a London taxi, City Hall, the Millenium Dome, Canary Wharf, and a double-decker bus.
From left to right: Westminster Abbey, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament (Big Ben and the tallest tower are separate from parliament so it is possible to use them separately if needed), Nelson's Column, Saint Paul's Cathedral, Telecom Tower, a London phone box, the Tower of London, Tower Bridge, a London taxi, City Hall, the Millenium Dome, Canary Wharf, and a double-decker bus.
Incredibly Detailed London Buildings
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