3D house and apartment icons black and white - stock illustration

A series of 16 house and apartment-building, real-estate-themed vector illustrations. This group of houses and apartment buildings is designed with four rows of four buildings per row. The houses are rendered in black-and-white accents and pictured against a background of stark bright white color. Each house or building casts a small blue shadow onto the foreground, adding definition and realisitc detail to the design. The three-dimensional houses and buildings are a mix of small single-family homes, two-story single-family homes, duplexes, small apartment complexes and much larger high-rise apartment buildings and other structures.
A series of 16 house and apartment-building, real-estate-themed vector illustrations. This group of houses and apartment buildings is designed with four rows of four buildings per row. The houses are rendered in black-and-white accents and pictured against a background of stark bright white color. Each house or building casts a small blue shadow onto the foreground, adding definition and realisitc detail to the design. The three-dimensional houses and buildings are a mix of small single-family homes, two-story single-family homes, duplexes, small apartment complexes and much larger high-rise apartment buildings and other structures.
3D house and apartment icons black and white
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DigitalVision Vectors
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3748 x 4449 px (54.32 x 64.48 in) - 69 dpi - 6 MB
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