Wall Street Rarities Retail Gallery

382192 04: Princess Diana's "Swan Lake Diamonds" necklace and earrings appear at the Wall Street Rarities retail gallery November 20, 2000 in New York City. The pearl and diamond-encrusted jewelry, custom made for the late Princess by the Royal Family's Crown Jeweler, was worn by Princess Diana at her final public appearance. The necklace and earrings will be auctioned off at an event called "The Ultimate Auction" December 1, 2000 which will later be broadcasted by the Fox television network. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Newsmakers)
382192 04: Princess Diana's "Swan Lake Diamonds" necklace and earrings appear at the Wall Street Rarities retail gallery November 20, 2000 in New York City. The pearl and diamond-encrusted jewelry, custom made for the late Princess by the Royal Family's Crown Jeweler, was worn by Princess Diana at her final public appearance. The necklace and earrings will be auctioned off at an event called "The Ultimate Auction" December 1, 2000 which will later be broadcasted by the Fox television network. (Photo by Chris Hondros/Newsmakers)
Wall Street Rarities Retail Gallery
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Hulton Archive
Date created:
November 20, 2000
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Hulton Archive
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