Musicians rally for a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert shows as...00:52
President Ezra Knight talks about a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen...01:24
Union Rep talks about a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert shows...01:01
Nashville AFM Rep Dave Pomeroy sings 'Don't Ever Forget What Unions Did For You' at rally for a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on...00:38
Protesters chant "Musicians united will never be defeated" at rally for a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live,...00:24
Musicians rally for a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert shows as...00:32
Rebecca Damon, Chief Labor Policy Officer and New York Local Executive Director for SAG-AFTRA chant 'Musicians United will never be defeated' as they...00:57
Members of SAG/AFTRA chant 'Musicians united will never be defeated' during solidarity rally for a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on...00:16
Drummer, Shawn Pelton talks about a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen...01:05
Musicians rally for a fair contract with streamers for live musicians on Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert shows as...00:06
Members of the American Federation of Musicians , a union representing over 70,000 musicians across the entertainment industry, play music and chant...00:18
New York Executive Director for SAG-AFTRA Rebecca Damon speaks on the union movement being strong in New York at a rally for The American Federation...00:37
Person holds a sign that reads "Real musicians not AI" during the American Federation of Musicians rally outside of Rockefeller Center as...00:14
New York President of Local 802 Musicians Union Sara Cutler speaks on negotiating fair contracts for musicians at a rally for The American Federation...00:57
International President of the American Federation of Musicians Tino Gagliardi tells union members "We will not be ignored anymore" at a rally...00:34
Members of the American Federation of Musicians , a union representing over 70,000 musicians across the entertainment industry, play music and chant...00:19
Person shows a sign to the camera that reads "Stop the corporate greed" during the American Federation of Musicians rally outside of Rockefeller...00:11