MSNBC Weekend Dayside 9:00 hour anchored by Stone Phillips.

MSNBC Weekend Dayside 9:00 hour anchored by Stone Phillips.

NBC ID: ARRF4IQ4QF | Production Unit: MSNBC Live (Dayside) | Media Type: Aired Show | Media ID: MNBC-DAY-20010527-0002 | Air Date(s): 05/27/2001 | Event Date(s): 05/27/2001


Event Date(s): 05/27/2001 | Description: MSNBC 09:00:00 Weekend Magazine: Blood Brothers anchored by Stone Phillips. 09:05:07 NBC's Tom Brokaw reports a Dateline NBC package entitled"Trading Places". B&W STILLS FROM VIETNAM WAR INCLUDING HELICOPTER IN FLIGHT; AMERICAN SOLDIERS WALKING IN DOUBLE LINE ALONG ROAD; HELCIOPTER IN FIELD; SOLDIERS IN FIELD NEAR TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT; ARMED SOLDIERS POSING IN JUNGLE AREA;& GROUP OF SOLDIERS COLLECTING GEAR SEEN AS SOUND OF HELICOPTER IS HEARD IN VO. THE VO CHANGES TO SOUNDS OF SOLDIERS TALKING& GUNFIRE AS B&W STILLS OF SOLDIER ON PHONE IN FIELD; ARMED SOLDIER WITH DOG IN FIELD; SOLDIER WITH ROCKET LAUNCHER; SOLDIER LOOKING UP FROM BOOK IN TENT; SOLDIER POSING WITH MACHINE GUN; SOLDIERS POSING IN GROUP PHOTO; SOLDIER SHAVING OUTDOORS; SOLDIER POINTING TO STRIPES ON UNIFORM; SOLDIER DRINKING FROM CANTEEN; SOLDIER SMILING;& VARIOUS POSED SHOTS OF SOLDIERS SEEN. IN VO& INTERVIEW WHILE STILLS ARE SEEN VIETNAM VETERAN PAUL MAHAR SAYS THE CHOP CHOP OF THE HELICOPTER IS THE SOUND OF VIETNAM; SAYS HE WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO AVOID BEING WOUNDED;& SAYS VIETNAM WAS A MILLION DOLLAR EXPERIENCE THAT I WOULDNT PAY A NICKEL TO REPEAT. B&W STILL OF ARMED SOLDIER IN JUNGLE SEEN. PAUL WALKS OUTDOORS. B&W STILL OF 13-YR-OLD PAUL IN GRADUATION GOWN SEEN. ROLLING SHOT OF HOMES ON PECK (PH) AVE IN NEWARK; NEW JERSEY; SEEN. PAUL STANDS ON SIDEWALK& POINTS OUT WHICH ROOM WAS HIS IN HOUSE. EXTERIOR OF HOME WHERE PAUL'S FRIEND FRANK CLOUSE LIVED. IN INTERVIEW ON SIDEWALK PAUL DESCRIBES PLAYING& HANGING OUT WITH FRANK AS A TEEN. BOYS& GIRLS BICYCLE ALONG SIDEWALK. PAUL DESCRIBES BREAKING HIS ARM (AT 13) WHILE WRESTLING WITH FRANK (NEEDED PINS TO SET ARM STRAIGHT). IN INDOOR INTERVIEW WITH BROKAW; PAUL RECALLS HE TRIED TO ENLIST IN THE ARM AT 17 BUT WAS REJECTED BECAUSE OF HIS ARM. B&W STILL OF FRANK CLOUSE AS YOUNG MAN;& CLOSEUP OF NEWSPAPER ARTICLE MARGARET MENNA IS BRIDE IN CEREMONY AT LAKEWOOD DETAILING HER MARRIAGE TO FRANK SEEN. PAUL RECALLS (PART VO) THAT FRANK (HAD BEEN DRAFTED& COMPLETED BASIC TRAINING) DIDNT WANT TO GO TO VIETNAM; HAD A WIFE; RECALLSFRANK VISITED HIM AT HIS ROOMING HOUSE IN LAKEWOOD& TOLD HIM HE WAS AWOL. TRAFFIC DRIVES ALONG RTE 9 IN LAKEWOOD. PAUL SAYS THEY CONCOCTED THE PLAN THAT PAUL WOULD REPORT TO THE ARMY; TELL THEM HE WAS FRANK; THAT THEY HAD MADE A MISTAKE BECAUSE HE HAD A PIN IN HIS ARM;& HE WOULD BE LET GO; BUT NOTES THE ARMY REFUSED TO LET HIM GO. SOLDIERS STAND OUTSIDE BUILDING WITH WELCOME TO FORT DIX SIGN ON IT& NEW JERSEY TRANSIT BUS OUTSIDE. PAUL RECALLS AN OLDER SERGEANT WHO TOLD HIM HE NEEDED TO GO. B&W FILM CLIP OF SOLDIERS JUMPING FROM HELICOPTER AND CROUCHING IN FIELD SEEN.B&W STILLS OF FRONT-LINE COMBAT UNIT STANDING TOGETHER NEAR BARRACKS WITH SIGN WOLFHOUNDS HANGING ON IT;& OF PAUL (AS FRANK) SEATED INSIDE BARRACKS WITHOUT A SHIRT SEEN. PAUL RECALLS DURING THE 5 DAY ORIENTATION IN VIETNAM HE WAS THE ONLY ONE LISTENING INTENTLY (BECAUSE HE HAD NO BASIC TRAINING);& RECALLS HE SAID ANOTHER FINE MESS YOU'VE GOT US IN. B&W STILL OF PAUL IN BARRACKS SEEN. PAUL NOTES HE REALIZED THREE THINGS: THAT HIS ARMM WOULDN'T GET HIM OUT; THAT FRANK WAS PETRIFIED; HOPING THE PLAN WOULD STILL WORK;& THAT HE FELT HE BELONGED WITH THESE PEOPLE IN VIETNAM. B&W STILLS OF PAUL POSING WITH BUDDIES IN BARRACKS;& OF HIM IN UNIFORM OUTDOORS SEEN. PAUL NOTES HE WAS SHOT AT BUT MISSED;& SAYS IT WAS LUCK THAT HE WASN'T WOUNDED. US SOLDIER (A TUNNEL RAT) CRAWLING INTO VIET CONG TUNNEL WITH A FLASHLIGHT& A PISTOL SEEN. COLOR STILL OF PAUL (CAMOUFLAGE PAINT ON FACE) POSING WITH MACHINE GUN OUTSIDE TENT SEEN. PAUL RECALLS HE FELT HE HAD TO PROVE HIMSELF TO THE OTHER MEN& TO HIMSELF; SAYS PART OF BEING A MAN IS OVERCOMING FEARS;& AGREES HE DID SAVE SOMEONE WHO FELL OUT OF BOAT INTO CANAL. IN INTERVIEW VETERAN MARTIN CASEY (PH) CONTINUES THAT PAUL JUMPED IN TO ASSIST IN THE SAVE. COLOR STILL OF CASEY AS SOLDIER IN VIETNAM SEEN. B&W STILL OF PAUL IN BARRACKS SEEN. CASEY RECALLS PAUL SHOWED NO HESITATION IN JUMPING IN TO SAVE THE GUY IN THE WATER. B&W STILL OF LARGE GROUP OF SOLDIERS WALKING ON PATROL ALONG RURAL ROAD;& COLOR STILL OF PAUL'S BEST FRIEND RICHARD PARAM (PH) WITH GUN IN JUNGLE SEEN. PAUL RECALLS HE WAS 10 YARDS FROM PARAM WHEN HE DIED; NOTES PARAM WAS WALKING POINT WHICH THEY HAD ARGUED ABOUT; SAYS PARAM EXPLODED; AGREES IF HE HAD BEEN KILLED IT WOULD HAVE BEEN AS FRANK; SAYS HE TOLD A CHAPLAIN HIS SECRET. B&W FILM CLIP OF SOLDIERS ASSISTING AT INJURED SOLDIERS TOWARDS HELICOPTER SEEN. IN INTERVIEW PAUL SAYS THAT HE EXTENDED HID TOUR 89 DAYS SO THERE WOULDN'T HAVE TO BE A MILITARY SERVICE AFTER VIETNAM AND CLAIMS THAT FRANK HAD ASKED HIM TO DO THAT IN A LETTER. B&W STILL OF PAUL STANDING WITH OTHER SOLDIERS; GATHERING THEIR GEAR; SEEN. PAUL RESPONDS HE DIDN'T BECOME A MAN IN VIETNAM; SAYS HE WAS WILD& OUT OF CONTROL AFTER;& SAYS HE HAD A LOT OF YEARS AFTER VIETNAM WITHOUT ANY CREDIBILITY. B&W STILLS OF PAUL WEARING HELMET; OF HIM IN BARRACKS; POSING WITH RIFLE IN FRONT OF TENT SEEN. 09:18:19 B&W STILL OF VIETNAM VETERAN PAUL MAHAR SITTING IN BARRACKS WITH OTHER SOLDIERS;& OF HELICOPTER IN FLIGHT SEEN AS A HELICOPTER IS HEARD IN VO. IN INTERVIEW WITH BROKAW (PART VO) PAUL RECALLS WHEN HE GOT BACK FROM VIETNAM HE WENT TO ASBURY PARK TO SEE HIS FRIEND FRANK CLOUSE (PAUL WENT TO VIETNAM IN FRANKS PLACE) WHO WAS WORKING UNDER PAULS NAME IN A DONUT FACTORY; SAYS FRANK VISITED HIM IN HIS HOTEL; THEY DRANK WINE& TALKED;& SAYS HE GAVE FRANK BACK HIS IDENTITY. PAUL WALKS ALONG SIDEWALK IN RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOOD. PAUL RECALLS HE STAYED AT FRANKS HOUSE ABOUT A WEEK; THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT; RECALLS FRANK TOLD HIM HE COULDN'T STAY IN THE SAME HOUSE WITH HIM; SAYS HE PROBABLY NEEDED TO TALK ABOUT VIETNAM WHILE FRANK DIDNT;& SAYS THEY HAD CREATED A SITUATION NEITHER ONE OF THEM WAS MATURE ENOUGH TO COPE WITH. PAUL RESPONDS HIS OWN FAMILY DIDN'T EVEN KNOW HE WAS IN VIETNAM; SAYS THEY THOUGHT HE WAS WORKING IN SOUTH JERSEY;& NOTES HE WROTE THEM LETTERS WHICH FRANK MAILED. COLOR STILL OF PAULS FAMILY SEEN. IN INTERVIEW PAUL'S SISTER MAUREEN (PH) RECALLS HER MOTHER TELLING HER PAUL WAS HOME& HAD BEEN IN VIETNAM; SAYS THEY WERE ALL SHOCKED; GLAD HE WAS ALIVE& PROUD OF HIM. CLOSEUP OF PAUL'S B&W PHOTO IN HIGH SCHOOL YEARBOOK;& B&W STILL OF PAUL IN VIETNAM SEEN. MAUREEN RECALLS SHE COULD TELL PAUL HAD BEEN THROUGH A WAR& HAD SEEN A LOT OF DEATH BECAUSE HE WAS VERY WITHDRAWN. B&W CLIP OF A HELICOPTER LANDING IN A FIELD SEEN. COLOR STILL OF PAUL AFTER THE WAR (BEARD) DANCING IN TUXEDO;& B&W STILL OF HIM SEEN. PAUL WALKS ALONG ROAD IN WOODS OF IDAHO. VIET VET ON CRUTCHES LEADS PARADE OF OTHER VETS MARCHING BEHIND US FLAG. B&W CLIPS OF PLANES SPRAYING AGENT ORANGE OVER VIETNAM SEEN. MAN STANDS AT VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL WALL IN D.C. CLIP OF ACTOR STALLONE (IN ARMY JACKET) FROM MOVIE"FIRST BLOOD" SEEN. PAUL SITS DOWN AT MAP OF VIETNAM ON KITCHEN TABLE. PAUL RECALLS CALLING FRANK (IN THE 80S); SAYS FRANK WAS STILL CONCERNED ABOUT HIS SECRET; THAT THERE COULD BE LEGAL TROUBLE; NOTES FRANK TOLD HIM HE WANTED TO WAIT (TO PROVE TO THE ARMY THAT THE SWITCH HAD OCCURRED) UNTIL ALL HIS KIDS WERE 18; NOTES FRANK EXPRESSED SOME GUILT BUT SAYS HE TOLD FRANK THEY NEEDED TO DO IT RIGHT AWAY; TO GET THE MONKEY OFF THEIR BACK. PAUL SHOWS HIS ARMY UNIFORM JACKET (WHICH FRANK SENT BACK)& POINTS OUT COMMENDATION MEDAL HE GOT FOR PULLING ROBERT DUNLAP (PH) OUT OF THE WATER. PAUL SHOWS THAT NAME TAG IS RIPPED OFF. CLOSEUP OF USA TODAY CLASSIFIED IN PERSONALS SWITCHED PLACES& SERVED AS COMBAT VET IN VIETNAM UNDER FRIENDS NAME. LOOKING FOR OTHERS WHO HAVE SIMILAR EXPERIENCES& MESSAGE TO CONTACT PAUL MAHAR SEEN. PAUL NOTES THE ARMY BOARD THAT REVIEWED HIS CASE DETERMINED THE SWITCH HAD OCCURRED;& SAYS THEY CREATED A NEW FILE FOR IT. PAUL WALKS UP TO FORMER ARMY BUDDY IN FIELD. THEY SHAKE HANDS& HUG. SOLDIERS WALK PAST 25TH INFANTRY DIV ASSOC BANNER STRUNG ON TABLE AT REUNION OF PAUL'S OLD UNIT THE WOLFHOUNDS. OUTSIDE BUILDING PAUL SHAKES HANDS WITH MAN WHO SAYS WHEN HE HEARD THE STORY HE THOUGHT TYPICAL WOLFHOUND. B&W STILL OF GARY PIERCE (PH) POSING WITH MACHINE GUN IN FIELD (PIERCE IS THE ONE WHO TOOK HUNDREDS OF PHOTOS; THE B&W PICTURES USED IN THIS STORY). RAPID MONTAGE OF B&W STILLS OF SOLDIERS TAKEN BY PIERCE SEEN. PAUL LOOKS AT PHOTOS AT TABLE WITH BROKAW& SAYS HE NEVER KNEW THESE PICTURES EXISTED. HE HOLDS PHOTO OF HIMSELF HOLDING MACHINE GUN OUTSIDE TENT. CLOSEUP OF PHOTO SEEN AS PAUL NOTES THAT IS NOT FRANK BUT RATHER IS PAUL;& SAYS IF HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT HAPPENED HE WOULDNT BELIEVE IT. COPIES OF NEWSPAPERS& PEOPLE MAGAZINE SCATTERED IN PILE WITH ARTICLES INCLUDING ARMY PLANS TO RECOGNIZE VIET VET& DISCHARGED BUT NOT FORGOTTEN. PAUL LOOKS OVER PHOTOS SPREAD OUT ON POOL TABLE WITH FAMILY MEMBERS OF RICHARD PARAM (PH; DIED IN VIETNAM). COLOR STILL OF PARAM WITH MACHINE GUN IN JUNGLE SEEN. PAUL HUGS PARAMS CRYING SISTER& TELLS HER YOUR BROTHER WAS A HELL OF A MAN. B&W STILL OF FRANK CLOUSE SEEN. FRANKS TELLS UNSEEN REPORTER OUTDOORS I CAN'T GIVE YOU A COMMENT AT THIS TIME. HE DRIVES AWAY IN PICKUP TRUCK. IN INTERVIEW PAUL SAYS HE'D LIKE TO TELL FRANK ITS OVER; NOT THAT BIG A DEAL; RESPONDS HE DOESN'T THINK FRANK SHOULD BE PENALIZED FOR THIS;& SAYS THERE'S NOTHING TO FORGIVE. AT AMUSEMENT PARK WHERE PAUL WORKS; PAUL (PLAYING A TRAIN ROBBER) WALKS ALONG AISLE OF OPEN TRAIN PAST TOURISTS& SAYS WERE HERE TO ROB THE PAYROLL& INSTRUCTS THEM TO PUT THEIR HANDS UP. PAUL WALKS OUTDOORS. PAUL SEEN SEATED AT PICNIC TABLE. IN INTERVIEW PAUL SAYS THAT IF HE EVER SELLS HIS STORY THEN HIIS LIFESTYLE WOULD BE A LITTLE BETTER. PAUL WALKS OUTDOORS. PAUL SAYS THAT HE WISHES FRANK A GOOD LIFE AND ADDS THAT HE WISHED THAT FRANK HAD HELPED HIM, SAYS THAT THERE IS A LITTLE BIT OF A RESENTMENT. OVERHEAD SHOT OF PAUL WALKING NEAR BODY OF WATER SEEN. IN INTERVIEW PAUL SAYS THAT THERE ARE TIMES WHEN HE THOUGHT ABOUT HAVING A NORMAL LIFE. OVERHEAD SHOT OF PAUL STANDING AND LOOKING OUT AT LAKE. PAUL SEEN AND B&W STILL OF PAUL AS A YOUNG MAN IN VIETNAM SEEN. IN INTERVIEW WITH BROKAW, PAUL SAYS THAT HE'D HAVE TO TAKE A DEEP BREATH ABOUT REPEATING HIS EXPERIENCE. 09:31:58 NBC News correspondent Sara James reports a Dateline NBC package entitled"Blood Brothers". Explosions heard in voice over. Overhead shot of the city of Sarajevo, Bosnia - Herzegovina in morning mist seen. Overhead shot of different part of Sarajevo in morning mist seen. Overhead shot of explosion in house in Sarajevo during ethnic cleansing war from 1992-1995 seen. Explosion on city street seen. Women run across street with gunfire and screams heard in voice over. Men carry wounded person to small yellow car. House burns. Burning houses on hillside seen. Two men crawl out of stopped car with bullet hole in windshield and run. Muslim priest and others carry wounded person down outdoor stairway. Two bodies on street near vehicle seen. Woman walks bicycle nervously with jug of water in hand. Woman looks out of doorway with horror, camera pans down to pool of blood on sidewalk seen. Men drag man with wounded leg to car door. Girl stands behind column near building entrance and tries to look around corner as blast goes off. Woman and others on sidewalk flinch as blasts sound. UN soldier escorts hysterical girl alongside an armored vehicle. Soldier looks in an armored vehicle with bloody body on ground next to open door seen. UN soldiers care for wounded man on ground. Civilians take cover behind armored vehicle with UN soldier. Overhead shot of mourners holding coffins at a funeral. Crying man seen. Slow motion of burning cars seen. Croatian Sarajevo resident and expert marksman Vlado Sarzinski (ph) stands on balcony of bombed out building and looks out. Low shot of Sarzinski looking, camera pulls back to show bombed out and bullet pocked shell of building seen. Graphic saturated still of Vlado's boyhood friend and Serbian expert marksman Slavko Grandic resolves to black and white still seen. Water flows over shallow area under bridge near minaret in Sarajevo. Shops and minaret in Sarajevo seen. Rear shot of man and woman strolling on a cobbled shopping lane. Children's train in a park seen. Boy waves to children on train and children wave back. Still of Vlado as a teenager aiming rifle with ski glove on one hand seen. In interview Vlado says they had a great time. Overhead shot of photo album pages. In interview Vlado points to picture and says that's him (Slavko), points to another picture and says him. Still of Slavko and Vlado as young men seen. Close up on rifle trigger seen. In interview Vlado says he was perfect, a machine, he never missed, never. Still of Vlado and Slavko with marksmanship plaques seen. In interview Vlado says he was the best but he did not tell him that. Still of Vlado with marksmanship medal on chest seen. Still of Vlado seen. Still of Vlado with Slavko and other marksmen holding trophies seen. In voice over and interview Vlado says he was a friend, he was alone, his parents died and he had no family, we tried to be family, like brothers, it is sometimes stronger, Vlado says he loved him and he is sure he (Slavko) loved him. Still of Slavko, Vlado and another marksmen with plaque seen. Snow falls on trees and Olympic flags at the winter olympics in Sarajevo 1984 with olympic music in voice over seen. A marksman fires rifle at target in olympic biathlon event. Rear shot of marksman standing and firing rifle at target seen. Marksman stands from prone position and skis away with rifle on back. Still of Vlado with Slavko and two others seen. Close up on Slavko in still seen. Close up on Vlado in still seen. In interview Vlado says (hunting) is not sport, just killing. Close up on stock of a Mauser'98 sniper's rifle and shadow of rifles on wall seen. Panning close up pans down rifle barrel seen. Panning shot of rifle and reflection seen. Close up on scope pans down to trigger seen. Close up on barrel end with gun shot signature sound in voice over seen. Serbian Orthodox church seen through broken window. Still of Vlado in team jacket seen. Still of Slavko seen. Still of Slavko and Vlado posing with man in militaryuniform near statue of military leader seen. In interview Vlado says brotherhood was the main word here. Still of Vlado and wife posing on rock at beach seen. Still of Vlado holding infant daughter with wife seen. In interview Vlado says he never came to our apartment without flowers for my wife. Still of Vlado's daughter Dianna (ph) ice skating seen. Still of Dianna skating seen. In voice over and interview Vlado says he was very proud, look at his little daughter, it was beautiful. Still of Vlado holding daughter with wife seen. Still of Vlado and daughter posing with others on skis seen. In interview Vlado says when you are happy you never think things will change. Blue sky, highrise and sun behind highrise seen through broken window. Blue sky through broken window seen. Panning shot pans down cross and tower of Serb Orthodox church through broken window seen. Bullet holes in wall superimposed over slow motion of burning houses seen. Broken wall superimposed over muslim mosque seen. Close up on jagged pieces in broken window seen. NBC's Sara James reports on camera in front of bridge in Sarajevo. In interview Vlado says suddenly the war started the border was where he usually took his child, now it is border, frontline, deadline. Serbians ride on top of tank. Tree covered mountain seen, camera pulls back to show Sarajevo at foot of mountain with gun fire and artillery in voice over. Rear shot of Serbian soldiers on mountain looking over machine guns on props, camera zooms to city below. Flaming artillery shell hits building and explodes. Explosion on top floors of a highrise seen. Slow motion of soldiers running through hotel hallway and firing guns out windows seen. Overhead shot of crowd at railway station seen. Girl waves from train at station. Women and men cry on platform. Close up on person in train holding hands with person outside train window seen. Still of Slavko seen. In interview Vlado says he (Slavko) was really worried and it worried him (Vlado). Soldiers run over open grass area near apartment buildings. Wounded man crawls to others taking cover behind building corner seen. Wounded man crawls with help of man holding rifle while otheers behind cover hold rifles. Croat militia leader talks to soldiers and civilians outside. Croats run across open area near apartments. Silhouette of Vlado looking through hand held telescope seen. In interview Vlado says never (kill a human) even if they need help he would tell them to try this, try this, but send someone else. Rear shot of sniper firing rifle on top of building from behind shield seen. Man on stretcher is carried. Two men crouch and hold unseen person's bloody leg. Woman at gravesites seen. Close up of woman crying into tissue seen. Mourners run through graves. Crying woman wipes tears and is escorted by other mourners through cemetary, gun shot hits at feet and they scatter. People run for cover in cemetary. Man pushes women down for cover in cemetary with screams in voice over. Man walking behind soldier on city street flinches as gunshot sounds. Dead child under blanket seen. Two men crouch and run on deserted road as gunshot sounds. Man runs with child in arms. Sniper looks out of window to apartment buildings. Woman runs across street. Rear shot of woman carrying child and others running on sidewalk seen. Woman runs with man and soldier. Close up on bullet hole in glass seen. In interview Vlado says (sniper shots coming from far away) are masterpiece if they are not killing because in their sport it is art. Mauser barrel end superimposed over overhead zoom to people walking on sidewalk in barrel seen. Overhead shot of city zooms to car driving on street seen. In interview Vlado says when he first realized somebody could hit on six of seven hundred meters it must be a perfect shooter. Slow motion of Vlado walking in bombed building doorway with shadows of standing Mausers superimposed resolves to Vlado silhouetted in bombed out building hallway seen. 09:44:31 Nightvision shot of explosion on mountain and highrise in Sarajevo, Bosnia - Herzegovina during ethnic cleansing war 1992-1995 seen. Paramedic with bullet proof vest and others tend to wounded person on ground. Person on gurney is rushed through hospital hall. Woman runs on street. Low shot of children standing among adult's legs seen. Woman with bandage on head yells as she is escorted into doorway. Child on stretcher is carried on sidewalk. Two dead babies lie on cot covered with blood stained sheets. Men chop wood in snow. Man in tree chops off branch in snow. Tired man behind campfire flames seen. Fire and people inside small shelter seen. Woman in scarf picks up scraps from snow. In interview Croat marksman Vlado Sarzinski (ph) says everything was gone, his apartment was destroyed by a tank hit nearby. Bombed out apartment building resolves into focus from plant in foreground seen. Wood piled in barren apartment seen. Panning shot of graffiti on damaged wall"Welcome to hell" seen. Snow covered branches seen. Snow covered houses on hillside and city below seen. Snow covered branches and houses seen. In interview Vlado says this was more than trouble it was hell. Serbian tank honks horn and rolls by quickly to place in convoy. City seen through bomb hole in brick wall. Close up on view of city in hole seen. Low shot up pockmarked apartment building wall seen. Still of Vlado and his Serbian boyhood friend and fellow marksman Slavko Grandic (ph) seen. At night explosion behind trees and tracer round flies through out of gun seen. At night fire burning seen. At night second story of house glows with fire, camera pulls back to show burning house seen. At dusk dark trees on foothills seen. In interview Vlado says because of their freindship he never believed he (Slavko) could do that (snipe at croats and muslims) maybe he was shooting in the air because an officer said you must. Still of Vlado, Slavko and other national marksman team members with trophies seen. Close up on Slavko in still seen. Still of Vlado holding daughter Dianna with wife seen. Old man walks on road with young girl and boy. Close up on little blonde girl seen. Slow motion of little girl with curls near children's train ride seen. Overhead shot of boys playing on cement playground seen. Still of Vlado's goddaughter Bojanna (ph) seen. Fast rolling shot of buildings and sidewalk on road known as sniper alley seen. In interview Bojanna says she just turned and then felt an explosion. Close up on bullet superimposed over point of view rolling shot from car driving on sniper alley seen. In interview Vlado says it past near him, through the seat, it was the hardest day in his life. Sign on hospital emergency room"Centar Urgentne Medicine" seen. Ambulance pulls away from emergency room entrance. Still of Bojanna seen. In interview Bojanna says he (Serbian sniper) was playing with them, shooting in front and behind them, he wanted them to run like rabbits and shoot them immediately. James reports on camera in front of abandoned car and bombed out buildings in Sarajevo. Slow motion of man and woman pulling sleds across snow covered street with damaged poles and cars and busses on street seen. Slow motion of soldier giving man in line soup outside. James reports on camera. In interview Vlado says of course he would start to fight back, so he started really hunting them. At night hand held low shot walks over sidewalk. Sunlight in cracks of damaged brick wall seen. Jerky zoom on windows and silhouette of sniper in dark building seen. Close up looking down barrel of Mauser 98 sniper rifle resolves to focus on scope seen. In interview Vlado's wife Majda (ph) says (with English translation in voice over) she remembers when Vlado came home after killing his first person, he took it hard. In interview Vlado says it is difficult of course but if somebody is killing children it is not so hard to kill him. Vlado says he doesn't know how many people he killed, more than five but he never counted. Apartment building complex seen. In interview Dianna saysVlado said as long as I have this (bracelet she gave Vlado) nothing will happen because you are with me. Dianna says she trusted her dad, he never lied in his life so she trusted that he would come back. Panning shot on dark wall pans to bomb opening with view of city seen through hole. Overhead shot of city with jerky zoom to pedestrians on sidewalk seen. Blurry shot resolves to focus of woman playing with two children on playground see saws seen. Panning shot pans from floor to window with view of city seen. At dusk low shot pans on windows inside dark room. Close up on mauser rifle and shadows of mausers seen. In interview Vlado says it must be somebody he knows (long range accurate sniper with mauser rifle). Still of Vlado, Slavko and other marksmen posing with hands around shoulders seen. Panning shot of Mauser rifles on table seen. Close up on sights on mauser seen. Close up on mauser barrel end seen. Slow motion rolling shot of pockmarked and bombed out building with blue tint seen. Close up on stock and trigger of mauser seen. Long shot of Vlado entering bombed out building, slow zoom on Vlado walking in silhouette inside building with still of Slavko superimposed seen. Close up on mauser trigger seen. In interview Vlado says this man he knew for twenty years, (Slavko) and didn't believe he could shoot at kids, if he didn't know that he (Vlado) would lose his trust in people. Still of Slavko seen. James reports on camera outside at night. In interview Vlado says of course Slavko knew he was after him, he knew all the time, and he (Vlado) was scared to death. Panning shot pans from bombed out two story building with pockmarks to bombed out apartment building seen. View of buildings from bombed out balcony in apartment building seen. Low shot of apartment building pans across street to bombed out two story house seen. Front facade of bombed house pans to apartment building side across street seen. In interview in front of apartment building Vlado says you can recognize him if you know him (enemy across street). Top of bombed out apartment building in mist seen. Slow pan on apartment building in mist seen. In apartment building interview Vlado says they had his name, his second name, his daughter's name, his wife. Panning shot of side of bombed out apartment building pans to long view of Vlado's apartment complex seen. Vlado and Sara James walk in front of bombed out building. Overhead shot from balcony of Vlado and James on sidewalk seen. In interview Vlado says he waited for his mistake and he (Slavko) waited for his mistake. Hand held shot walks through rubble in bombed out room seen. Hand held shot zooms on hole in wall. View of bombed house across street and person on street through hole seen. In interview and voice over Vlado gestures towards balcony and says he would first shoot from the middle of the building then move up, he always tried to change, change. Low shot of bombed apartment building seen. Hand held shot of dark room, moves up stairs to light from bullet holes seen. Close up on cigarette end being lit superimposed over hand held shot going up stairs seen. Barrel end of mauser superimposed over window at top of stairs seen. Low hand held shot of rubble in room with holes in wall with blue tint seen. Hand held shot moves over rubble with blue tint seen. Hand held shot approaches balcony rail and damaged wall seen. White screen seen. In interview on balcony Vlado says he knew he (Slavko) was somewhere here. Rubble, damaged rail on balcony and view of buildings seen, camera pans to window hole with view of buildings near sniper house seen. Vlado pokes finger into bullet hole in wall. View of window across street seen through bullet hole, camera pulls back to show dark wall around hole seen. In interview on balcony Vlado says using the hole he can find where the shot came from and directs James to look through hole in balcony rail, James stoops to look through hole. Green house seen through bullet hole seen. Panning shot pans down railing bar with bullet holes seen.Houses across street seen through artillery hole in wall zooms on houses across street seen. Overhead view of houses, backyards, and small field seen. Overhead panning shot of backyards seen. Close up on mauser stock seen. View of houses and backyards, camera jerkily pulls back to bombed out room and balcony in apartment building seen. In interview inside bombed out room Vlado says he was here in the corner, it was a good place for what he wanted to do, he was waiting. Rear shot of Vlado talking with James with view from balcony seen. View from inside room and balcony seen. Hand held shot passes wood cottage, trees and small field seen. In interview on balcony Vlado says he saw the rifle and that was hit, he knew he hit him (Slavko) but didn't know if he was dead. Overhead shot of houses and field seen, quick short zoom on field seen. Low canted shot slides across ground over grass and through bushes seen. In interview Vlado says everybody said super, bravo, but he was confused, it was hard for him. Still of Slavko seen. Vlado walks down stairway in bombed out apartment building. In voice over and interview Vlado says his wife saw immediately, when he talked with her (after shooting Slavko) he began crying, he was sad because of what life did to them, to himself, Slavko, his family, everybody. Vlado says he asked himself many times how can Slavko or anyone leave his home town in the night and start killing people and never found an answer. Vlado says he has heard that brother has fought against brother in wars before, war is so ugly, difficult, and ugly. Shadows of standing mausers and mauser on table seen. Still of Vlado, Slavko and other marksman with trophies seen. In interview Vlado says he has not shot since the war, it is not for him anymore, he doesn't want anymore. Low panning shot of bombed apartment building seen. Young men shovel rubble out of foundation under construction seen. Vlado walks past abandoned vehicles with apartment buildings in background seen. Still of Dianna ice skating as young girl seen. Low shot of tulips and sun behind clouds in blue sky, slow zoom to tombstone behind tulips seen.

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May 27, 2001
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NBC News Archives Offline
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